Zago: an old Brewery in Friuli

Many chefs have been using beer in their dishes for years so you won’t be surprised to hear that beer will have its own space at the next Vinitaly Fair in Verona.
Zago an important brewery will be there to promote its different types of beer.
Types one can summarily divide into three major categories: low fermentation (pils beers), high fermentation and spontaneous fermentation ones (lambic beers).

The Original Hy Super Beer for instance is characterised by a fruity compound resembling pineapple, apricot, date and sherry; Hy Cuvee instead tastes different and one perceives a flavour close to the flavour of chestnut, sultana grape and evaporated Rum.
In my opinion, it also has an aftertaste of roasted coffee.
All these beers come in very elegant bottles (including the Saint Hubert Beers, from De Luxe to Premier Grand Cru).
You can also have a Jeroboam of Super, somehow a way to recall the old divinity Hy, a god presiding over happiness and conviviality !

Written by Unit

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