Yamaha R1 on ice /video

‘Theoretically’, climatic conditions such as snow, ice, frost and the likes are not exactly ideal for most bikers.
This unwritten rule is particularly obvious when it comes sportsbikes, which rely on the best possible road grip to unleash their full potential in their neverending quest for maximum performance.
However, there are some ‘practical’ exceptions to that rule, and one of them is featured in the above video.

All you need to do is provide your sportsbike (an all-black Yamaha YZF-R1 in this case) with a nice pair of specifically prepared rubber with spikes, and then you will be ready for the unthnkable.
Just take a look at what the man in black can do in this clip.
This is certainly not a new idea (we have already seen another R1 taking on the ice in a video we published last year), but since the ‘good season’ is still so far away right now, it’s just nice to know that there is actually somebody out there who knows how to have fun on two wheels even when – ‘theoretically’ – it shouldn’t be possible.

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