Yamaha Employees: Valentino Help Us!

On the front page of one of Italy’s dailies, there’s a photo of Valentino Rossi, you’d say there’s nothing strange about that, but the photo is on an important political newspaper L’Unità and it’s about economics, recession, cost effectiveness, losing jobs and nothing about sports and world titles.

Sixty seven employees from the Yamaha Motor Italy at Gerno di Lesmo are appealing to the 9 times World Champion to help them save their jobs.
Yamaha announced late October that they were closing down their production line in Italy and moving operations to Spain.
The title reads:“We’re writing to you because we’re desperate.
Yamaha has decided to close down the factory and lay off 67 workers.
If by January 8th there are no substantial changes we’ll all be out, no job, no future.
We’ve helped you many times in fixing the bikes, we were happy about your success because we felt it was the company’s success and also because of our work.
Now we ask you to give us a hand and help us save our jobs.

”Rossi has yet to answer the Yamaha workers.

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