WSBK Assen Preview

The WSBK PR is also revving up for this weekend’s double header in Assen:Hannspree Ten Kate HondaJonathan Rea:“After what’s been a sluggish start to the season, we needed to look at making some changes to the bike to improve the feeling.
The guys have found some pretty positive developments back at base and I was able to try them out last week.

The feeling with the throttle is much better now and that was the main area of concern.
Assen is a great place, for a number of reasons, and I got my first podium with the team there last year.
The circuit should suit the bike better than Valencia anyway, and we’re all in a really positive frame of mind, so I’m really looking forward to the weekend.
”Carlos Checa:!I wasn’t able to test the improvements to the bike but we have had some detailed discussions and I’m happy with the developments that the team has made.
There are one or two other additions to the bike for this weekend and I’m confident that what we have planned should work well at Assen.

Like a lot of other riders, I prefer the old layout of the circuit, but it’s still a nice track and I was on the podium twice last year, so it’s a great place to have the team’s home round.
I was at the workshop for an open day last weekend and, if the weather is as good as it was then, it should be a great event.
”Ryuichi Kiyonari:“After the last race I went back to Japan for a week for the wedding of Mamoru Moriwaki’s daughter, so it was good to spend a short time relaxing with friends.
I must admit it was a little bit frustrating to ride with the problems we had at Valencia.
But the team has been working really hard to prepare for Assen and I am confident that they have found some improvements for me to try.
Last year was not such a good result, but we know what the problem was there – basically, rider too aggressive on throttle! I like the circuit at Assen, though, so I will try very hard this weekend to get some good results for the team.
”Ducati XeroxNoriyuki Haga:“Assen – it’s a tricky circuit.
I preferred the old layout of the track, like most people, but don’t dislike the new version.
My history there has been rocky, up and down to say the least! I’m looking forward to riding this track on the 1198, it should be interesting.
We know that the Ducati performs there as Troy won both races last year, we had a good fight in Race 2 I recall, and so it should be another good weekend; Checa and Neukirchner went well there last year and they, as well as Spies and I, are likely to be running at the front, so we should see more great racing.
” Michel Fabrizio :“I like the track and I have had some relatively successful weekends there.
Unfortunately last year was not one of those times and I had a disastrous weekend, problems with my arm led to two DNFs, a race day to forget! I’m feeling really fit and healthy now so I’m ready to fight with the frontrunners for the podium spots at Assen this season; I need to consolidate, or better, improve on, my current position in the standings as Nori and Spies are already a long way ahead of the rest of the pack.
” BMW Motorrad RacingTroy Corser :“It’s not a bad track, but it just doesn’t flow like it used to and that could be a bit of a problem for us.
At the present stage of the bike’s development, it seems that the bike is working better at tracks that flow, instead of stop/start circuits.
Obviously, we are working very hard on getting the bike good at all types of tracks, but it just takes time and laps.
We’re getting there for sure and, if we can get a good Superpole and start from near the front end of the grid, I’m sure we can improve our results.
”Ruben Xaus:Our job is going to be that much harder because we are arriving at Assen with no data or telemetry to work with on this bike at this track.
My plan is to get down to it as soon as I can and try and avoid my ‘black Fridays’.
I need to be further up the grid and not have so much work to do during the races just trying to catch the leaders.
The S 1000 RR is fantastic, but I don’t think we have seen its potential yet.
That day is going to come and I don’t think it is so far away.
”Guandalini RacingJakub Smrz:“As I always had problems in Valencia, Assen is track where I usually made my best results and I hope for the same this year.
In Valencia I didn’t feel comfortable on my bike and my team made really lot of work.
Especially front chattering was really big deal for us.
From 6 races I have 3 times 0 points what is really bad and I hope to get back where I should be, that’s top10.
Honestly old Assen was much better but I still like that track a lot and I am looking forward to race in Holland whereI spent lot of time in the past (racing in dutch Molenaar team), where I’ve got many friends and many fans as well.
Just need some more good luck and get back my feeling on bike and I am sure Assen is track I could fight for podium.
”Brendan Roberts: “Assen has been a circuit I have liked since I first raced there, the flowing corners at the back of the circuit combined with the last corner chicane always brings out good close racing!.
My confidence is high coming from Valencia where I felt I rode much more aggressively throughout the weekend although the race results still eluded me.
I’m really looking forward to the superpole, I have a better understanding off the Qualifying tyre and I hope to move more towards the front of the grid.
This will be extremely important at Assen as the first section can get very tight and dangerous.
“Stiggy Racing HondaLeon Haslam:“Assen used to be my favourite track, but I haven’t raced there for five years so I haven’t ridden the new layout.
I love racing there because there is always a good contingent of British fans and I’ve actually got a few people getting the ferry over to watch me.
“As a track it should be good for the Honda.
I like the fast flowing tracks and the bike is developing every time we ride it.
”The chatter issues we’ve been having have been worse on flat or off camber corners, but at Assen the corners are banked which should help us.
At every round this year I’ve shown the pace in terms of lap times to be in the top three so it’s nice knowing that heading into the weekend.
So far we’ve been top Honda, but to beat the three Ten Kate Honda guys at their own track will be a tough one, but it’s still my goal.
”John Hopkins:The first round of the championship was a challenging experience.
I had not been on a bike for a few months and then came pretty much straight into the series and had to do two races in a row.
I consider these first races to be part of the learning experience, but I have proved that I can do the lap times and am eager to go for a good result in Assen this weekend.
” Sterilgarda BRC RacingShane Byrnes:“After the start we’ve had I really want a special weekend at Assen because I’m really pissed off with the way things have gone.
”It’s no ones fault but since the testing in Portimao we’ve just had a little something missing.
“We’re three rounds in and the best result is sixth.
I expected to be knocking on the door of the podium at every race – what’s going on? But I’m certainly not doubting myself and I’m confident things will start to go our way.
“Maybe we underestimated the level of the Yamaha and the Aprilia, but I still feel that we deserve a podium.
”There’s not been a single race where I felt that I’ve done well and what’s come out of it is the importance to be at the front in qualifying.
”If you’re not there at the start in this class it’s really hard to be there at the finish.
”Everyone is so level and if you have to pass a lot of people early on you don’t have any tyre left when you need it at the end.
Kawasaki World Superbike R.
T:Broc Parkes: “The bike is developing well and we’ve made some pretty good steps forward over the past few races.
We have some new parts arriving ready for Assen and this will hopefully have a good effect to take us to Monza and then the fly away rounds.
The championship is so tight though, anything can happen so it’s possible to be in the top ten once more if things go right.
I can’t say I’ve had any major results before at Assen but I do enjoy the circuit and the atmosphere is always good.
”Makoto Tamada:“There were some setbacks due to my injury during the Valencia races, but I am recovering fast and happy with my progress.
I don’t feel that I have been able to show anywhere near my full potential this season yet, but I am confident that I will do in the near future.
I have a great new team behind me and I have full confidence in them and the goals we have set out to achieve together.
I am hoping for a top ten finish at Assen.
”Team PederciniLuca Scassa: “I like to ride in the TT Circuit Van Drenthe and I obtained good results here in my last races in Superstock 1000.
In Valencia we significantly improved the base set-up of our bike and we found some good solutions to be used in Assen.
My fan club will support me during the full weekend and I’m eager to reach good results for them and for my team”.
David Salom:“It feels like the first three races this year have just been an exercise for me.
Everybody in the team knows the bike and Assen very well and we have learned a few things in the first three races.
I am looking forward to the race and I hope we won’t need so much time to set the machine up”.
Honda Althea Racing Tommy Hill:“This will be the first time in Assen, so again it’s another circuit I need to learn fast.
It’s a shame we did not get to test in Monza, as it would of been nice to get some more setup time, and progress forward.
As we are now reaching the fourth round of the world championship, I have my fingers crossed for better results, and hope to gain more points than previous rounds.

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