World Tagliatelle Day: celebrating original Italian cooking

Today is international “Tagliatelle Day” when the world celebrates one of Italy’s greatest types of pasta.
Around the world, more than 1000 Italian chefs will make original pasta recipes based on the traditional Italian dish from Bologna, of “tagliatelle al ragù”.
Normally known as Bolognese sauce in English, ragù is the traditional name of the mince sauce that we all enjoy, most traditionally prepared with tagliatelle and not spaghetti.

Part of the purpose behind the Tagliatelle Day is to educate the public about the bastardisation of Italian products around the world, and the ignoble attempts at copying Italian cuisine.
And our ignorance contributes to the use of products that are not traditionally Italian, and that do not follow the strict health and cultural production guidelines.
The idea came from the GVCI, or Gruppo Virtuale Cuochi Italiani, which is an online group of Italian chefs founded back in 2001, which includes 1,000 professional chefs from 70 countries around the world.
