World Superbike Monza round declared a farce by Effenbert Liberty team

Today’s World Superbike round at Monza turned out to be an attempted boycott of the Superbike riders against Pirelli (they’ve issued a press release) and against racing in mixed and what some of riders described as very dangerous conditions, while their less famous and notable colleagues in the other classes raced in exactly same conditions.

What happened at Monza should have never have occured with the Race Direction and organizers letting a small handful of riders take over the decisions and there were even harsh words exchanged between several of the Italian riders, those who wanted to race and others who said it was too risky, with Marco Melandri telling off Ayrton Badovini that he should hit his head on the asphalt more often if he wanted to race in these conditions and arguing with Pier Francesco Chili in LA7s post race over safety issues.
Maybe Carl Fogarty who was present at Monza for World Superbikes 25th anniversary summed up it up best, “There aren’t riders like there used to be who would always race and in any condition.

Effenbert Liberty team who fields four bikes in the championship, took the entire mess one step further, issuing the following press release slamming Infront for being held hostage by some riders saying that will now re-consider their future in the series.
We’ve also posted the two highlight videos from Monza.
“The clear impression is that the WSBK has endured one of its worst days, disrespect for the public, for those who, like Team Effenbert, invests and for sports in general.
“It is unacceptable that the fundamental decisions of the day are been taken with such a superficiality not even worthy of a single brand championship of scooters.
At the end it is clear that the WSBK is in the hands of a little number of team and riders.
“Other categories, also titled, would never ran into such a farce, a fact proven by the competitions of the other classes without major incident and without complaint.
“Considering all this situations, the team Effenbert Liberty’s management will reflect about its racing future.

Written by Unit

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