A woman saved her twin sister from crocodile attack in Mexico

A British woman incredibly saved her twin sister from the attack of a crocodile, that could have been fatal. She bravely faced the crocodile as a fight or flight situation and rescued her sister.

The accident took place in Mexico, where two sisters from Berkshire were on vacation. Melissa and Georgia Laurie, 28, were on a trip to swim in a lagoon near Puerto Escondido in the afternoon. While the two were swimming, suddenly a crocodile dragged Melissa underwater.

A woman saved her twin sister from crocodile attack in Mexico

Fortunately, Georgia had the guts to fight the animal with a punch in the face. That’s how the woman saved her sister from the crocodile. She told BBC: “It was fight or flight and you have to fight for the people you love.”

Moises Salinas, a 16-year-old, who was working on board of a boat, was also on the lagoon. He reported the Daily Mail that he found Georgia cradling her sister. He said: “She was conscious, breathing heavily like she couldn’t get enough air.” Then, Moises and Georgia joined forces to bring Melissa on the boat and called the emergency number.

Gerardo Escamilla Perez, a certified guide, was also in the surroundings. He was guiding a group of tourists in the area, when he heard somebody screaming for help. He told he saw “bite marks, the marks of teeth. Her head was covered in blood. They thought the crocodile was nearby and would attack again.”

Then, the rescue transported the twins to an hospital, where doctors placed Melissa in a medically-induced coma. Then, doctors brought Melissa out of the coma and now she is healing from the sepsis caused by the injuries. Georgia said her sister is breathing on her own and she’s “really good”.

Recalling the day of the “terrible attack“, Georgia admits they knew that crocodiles could have been there. She told: “I actually said to the guide, ‘this looks like a place where crocodiles make their home.” However, the guide guaranteed swimming there was safe.

The guide, a German national, does not appear registered with the Mexican tourism authority and he fled after the attack. But he’s not the only guide who works without a certification. According, to Lalo Escamilla, a boatman and local ornithologist who dived in the lagoon to help the women, a lot of inexperienced guides work in the region. Many foreigners live in Puerto Escondido and rally tourists for cheap boat trips. He claimed: “They’re not federally-approved experts, they don’t know this place. That’s the problem.”

Georgia and Melissa’s older sister Hana started a GoFundMe page to raise money in order to cover the medical costs and to help their parents to reach Mexico. The page has raise over £43,000. Hana wrote a message to thank the givers: “We think we have enough to cover the twins’ medical expenses and the travel now, and we hope that we’ll be able to use the funds for rehabilitation and therapy too where needed.”


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