What Happened to the Salad Cream?

“Dear Editor,
Enda Cullen did not comment on the newfound popularity of rocket lettuce in Ireland and its unfortunate impact on the use of salad cream as detailed by Emer McLysaght (“Finding out when rocket landed on our salads brought back some distressing recollections”, on October 25th).

It’s regrettable to observe the unwarranted decline of salad cream, which was once the unrivalled choice for dressing butter lettuce. The emergence of rocket and other non-traditional salad leaves has simultaneously seen a rise in the use of balsamic drizzles and vinaigrette dressings, relegating the beloved salad cream to the brink of obscurity. As a lifelong fan of salad cream and its culinary applications, particularly in sandwiches, I find this situation rather disheartening.

Yours sincerely,
Enda Cullen,
From Armagh.”/

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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