Weekend and short breaks in Italy: Ca’ Virginia near Urbino, Umbria

We often use expressions such as “ the perfect place to relax and unwind ” or “ the perfect place to chill out and really get away from it all” but this time I swear they really fit the place; Ca’ Virginia, is a beautifully country house near Urbino, Umbria that a few years ago its owners turned into an amazing hotel.

Surrounded by rolling green hills and thick woods, the place features a restaurant and well centre that guests can easily reach through a lift (no need to go outside and catch a cold after dipping into hot water!).
Actually the well centre offers a comprehensive list of beauty treatments including Turkish bath, different kinds of massage, Kneipp treatments and herbs teas.
And if you are on a diet, don’t worry, the restaurant also offers a low calorie menu.
For further information please click heredownload the brochure.
