Vespa riders on a road trip to Silverstone to pay tribute to Marco Simoncelli

From Morciano in Romagna to this year’s Silverstone GP, is the trip that fifteen intrepid Vespa riders from the Morciano Vespa Club, and friends of the late Marco Simoncelli will be taking to pay tribute to the much missed #58 and dubbed ‘Road to London for Sic.
’ Paolo Simoncelli has given these riders, a special AGV Simoncelli replica helmet created by Davide Degli Innocenti – Drudi Perfomance designer – and a special hoodie designed by Aldo Drudi himself to celebrate the initiative and a picture of #58 to take with them and ll three items will delivered to Dorna’s CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta and then auctioned during Riders for Health’s Day of Champions on Thursday June 14th, with part of the proceeds also going the Marco Simoncelli Foundation.

Riding vintage Vespas, the trip that starts June 8th from Morciano and will take a week and include six stops, before covering the entire 1958km that separates Morciano from Silverstone circuit.
We can only repeat what these fifteen riders will yell when the arrive at the English circuit, DIOBO’ CHE BELLO!You can follow the initiative on the RoadToLondonfor Sic Facebook page.

Written by Unit

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