“Verse of the Week: Regrets”

In the shadows of my beloved offspring, a fierce spirit manifests like blazing fists and a panther’s caress. Your voice is comparable to the sun if it had the power of speech. In your spirit, I see the strength of a dinosaur, the swift nature of an aircraft, and the persistent buzzing of bees-collectively residing in your petite frame. Sadly, we have bequeathed you an imperfect world; Our ignorance didn’t intend harm. But believe me, there once existed norms of unfettered speech, boundless travel, and uninhibited thinking.

Before we grew comfortable with our constraints, everything was kept unbarred – the portals of your home, the expanse of your mind, future possibilities and even your dark, sparkling, berry-like eyes. Dearest, amidst the noise of bilingual disagreements, immeasurable greatness finds a home in you, just like the essence of a glorious new dawn. Though you may challenge the existing order of things, remember: not all things confined are worthy of unveiling.

You are the melodious tune of a nightingale to me. However, it is not for them to dictate how you choose to wield your key. This aforementioned verse is recited from Polina Cosgrave’s latest anthology, Cargo, published by The Gallery Press.
