“Vernacular and Prejudice”

Dear Sir,

I find it highly disheartening that, as detailed in Richard Ford’s essay from Saturday, the phrase “mental illness” was used in a derogatory manner (referencing Richard Ford’s piece on the clash between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump titled “So you’re telling me there’s a chance?”, published over the Weekend, August 3rd).

We would never witness other conditions like heart disease or lung disease being utilised in the same disrespectful manner. Utilising the term ‘mental illness’ negatively to portray undesirable behaviours only perpetuates stigma. This undermines the endeavours of those advocating for equal recognition and understanding of mental health illness, particularly in regard to healthcare funding and societal acceptance. Such misuse of the term ought to be disincentivised.

Yours faithfully,
A resident of Spanish Point,
Co Clare.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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