“Verdict: US Supreme Court Corrupt, Damaging”

Upon Donald Trump receiving guilty verdicts for 34 felony charges in a Manhattan law court, right-wing advocates, including George Santos, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and those at the Heritage Foundation, embarked on a show of solidarity. They utilised social platform X to share images of inverted American flags, aligning with Trump’s outlandish self-proclamation as a ‘political captive’.

It is the identical inversion symbol utilised by insurgents on January 6th in their protest at the Capitol, demonstrating their belief of a fraudulent election. The symbol was noticed flying over Justice Samuel Alito’s residential location in Virginia’s suburbs even while the supreme court was deliberating on a potential case linked to the 2020 presidential elections.

The same symbol is now being utilised to back a criminal ex-president, exacerbating Alito’s efforts to feign ignorance about its significance. I do not require a judicial gown to express my judgement on the supreme court. It’s comprised of corruption and rot, adversely impacting the United States.

This previously prestigious court, once held to the highest esteem by the public, is now in a state of irreversible degradation. It’s controlled by a coalition of religious extremists and far-right enthusiasts, inclusive of a duo of ethical transgressors with spouses aligned to the MAGA movement.

Cheif Justice John Roberts, who held aspirations to unify the court, is denying the need to restrain Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas, both of whom are displaying sheer disregard towards the public and their oaths to deliver unbiased justice.

Alito was implicitly criticising women when he propelled the conservative majority to revoke women’s rights over their reproductive health- a responsibility that should rest on women. The blame, in this recent uproar, rested particularly on his spouse, Martha-Ann. In Alito’s perspective, the accountability falls upon women.

It was startling when it was reported in The New York Times by Jodi Kantor that the inverted flag esteemed amongst the ‘Stop the Steal’ protestors was displayed outside Alito’s residence. It was more surprising when it was revealed that another flag, carried by the rioters in the ‘Stop the Steal’ protest on January 6th, the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, prominently flew outside Alito’s New Jersey holiday home, while cases related to the assault and riot of January 6th were pending at the court. This flag indicates backing for Donald Trump and a hope for a stronger Christian influence within the federal government.

The speeches, decisions, and now the flag incidents demonstrate Alito’s right-wing, deeply impacted conservative Christian views on cultural conflicts. In the following weeks, the justices have two crucial cases to adjudicate concerning the Capitol insurrection on January 6, including Trump’s potential immunity for his conduct, according to Kantor. Their rulings will determine the degree of responsibility he bears for attempting to undermine the previous presidential election, and also impact his prospects in the impending election.

Alito remains steadfast on not disqualifying himself from the couple of cases pertaining to the attempted sedition on January 6. (One addresses the issue of Trump’s possible immunity from prosecution for inciting the mob, while the other focuses on a federal obstruction statute applied to charge the rioters).

In response to leading Democratic legislators requiring Alito’s disqualification, he penned a letter pointing to Martha-Ann Alito as the scapegoat. It’s evident that Alito has fielded enough felony appeals to appreciate that it’s crucial to redirect blame elsewhere if one is at fault.

He informed the legislators, “My better half has a penchant for hoisting flags, unlike me. She solely managed getting flagpoles erected at both our home and holiday home and has flown diverse flags over time.” The conservative justice is more than willing to strip countless American women of the control over their bodies, but accords his wife the liberty to manage their potentially volatile flags. During his Supreme court tenure, he continued, Martha-Ann assumes command at home.

“I didn’t realise about the inverted flag till it was brought to my attention,” he included, “Right after sighting it, I requested my wife to lower it, yet she declined for a handful of days.” He exclaimed his utter incapacity in ensuring the removal of the pesky insurrectionist flag earlier.

He stated his ignorance about the symbolisation of the “Appeal to Heaven” pine tree flag. Thomas, too, is engrossed in ethical complications, some linked to his spouse. Supporters of Ginni Thomas have endeavoured to justify her activist role pertinent to January 6 by asserting her independence as a wife.

Ginni Thomas, a legal professional and prominent figure in extremist right-wing circles, has been vocal about her beliefs that the United States faces an existential threat from both the ‘deep state’ and ‘fascist left’, inclusive of ‘transsexual fascists’, as stated in a piece by Jane Mayer in The New Yorker. Thomas also demonstrated her support for MAGA proponents via a post on Facebook, referring to a news broadcast relating to the January 6th protest.

Due to her influential actions, particularly as the Supreme Court is expected to grant wins for her supporters in a series of divisive topics such as abortion, affirmative action, and firearms rights, it’s becoming more onerous to overlook their implications. U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal urged Roberts to compel Clarence Thomas to abstain from the Trump and insurrection-related case, do this he declined.

The Democratic party is now tasked with using this controversy to sway voters in the forthcoming November elections with a view to safeguard not only the nation but also the rights of women. Abortion-related verdicts from the Supreme Court are imminent. In “The Fall of Roe,” a thoughtful publication by Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer of The New York Times, it is outlined how a determined group of religious fanatics manipulates the court with a crafted scheme to enforce their religious beliefs.

However, despite addressing their viewpoints publicly, right-wing Catholic and evangelical activists have failed to gain wide acceptance for their crusade amongst Americans. Instead, they remain a minority but efficiently exploit American democracy in their favour, constructing a sturdy system capable of resisting opposition from not only the political system but also a rapidly evolving society. This small albeit organised group seized power to reshape the country in their image, unbeknownst to their opponents and the general public.

With this situation unfolding, it lies in the hands of the Democrats to retake control and utilize this geopolitical scenario to triumph in the November elections, and in the process, preserve the country and women’s rights.

The original write-up was published in The New York Times. © 2024 The New York Times Company.
