Vehicle hire coverage

Dear Editor,

Having resided abroad since 2013, every return visit to my homeland, Ireland, heightens my sense of pride, a testament to our booming economy buoyed by our openness and thriving tourism sector.

Yet, the joy dwindles slightly each time I am confronted with the mandatory car insurance required at Dublin Airport. This policy seems, peculiarly, to fall outside of the normal travel insurance most voyagers might already possess. My recent encounter highlighted this issue, as the insurance (€420) surpassed the vehicle hire fee itself (€370).

Such practices, appearing singular to our nation, tend to surprise incoming guests upon vehicle collection, possibly not the “céad míle fáilte” the tourism board, Fáilte Ireland and the IDA, aspire to extend to guests. Regretfully,

Mark Cunningham,
“The Lost Peace: How the West failed to prevent a second Cold War by Richard Sakwa – A proven case of a squandered chance,
Shrewsbury, New Jersey, US.”
