Valentino Rossi’s dream girlfriend

It must be the heat wave that’s hit Italy or it’s something in the water that Italian journalists are drinking lately, but they’ve suddenly become obsessed in finding out the sex lives of MotoGP riders.
To tell the truth they have tried digging up the dirt especially after the Marco Melandri, porn star -paparazzi extortion story that ended up in court.

The other day we had Colin Edwards – tell all and don’t leave anything out – interview with Riders Italian Magazine, now have Valentino Rossi’s interview with Bendetto Ferrara, from one of Italy’s most reputable newspapers La Repubblica.
This is much tamer stuff compared to the the Texas Tornado, but if you’re a Rossi follower, you won’t want to miss it:Valentino walks into his garage his eyes caressing his Yamaha M1: “ She’s beautiful.
At the begining she wasn’t that way.
Now it’s pure harmony.
Even the lateral exhaust, that seems old fashioned looks good on her.
A motorcycle is a work of art, like a woman, You understand right away when there’s something that will drive you wild.

”Are we talking about love, passion or something else?“It’s about when something clicks inside.
I’m thirty years old and maybe I’m finally understanding something more about the opposite sex.
Only something, understand.
”Because Rossi is like a rockstar, always on tour.
So?“Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t, I think that happens occasionally to rockstars.
”Maybe statistically there’s a difference compared to us common mortals.
“Well recently I got snubbed and told off a couple of times, stuff that leaves you reeling.
”Do we have to believe you?I think that they do it on purpose, because it’s you.
It’s probably like those traffic cops that fine you and enjoy doing it.
I’m joking! The cops do a good job.
Have you ever asked a girl, something like: you’re with me because I’m Vale the world champion or because it’s just me the person? No.
They would only soft sell me.
The first time?“Brno ‘96″.
It’s not a race.
“True, but I associate it with a race, because it happened during the same days, I made love for the first time, took my first pole position and my first victory.
A perfect weekend.
”Who was she?“A girlfriend.
She was my age and much more experienced than I was, as girls usually are when they’re the same age as you are.
”Have you ever had sex before a race? “Let’s say it’s happened.
”Have your ever met a woman that helped you change your way of thinking?“There are people who help you grow.
But if I have to say if there’s been a woman who has profoundly changed my life, I’d be lying.
”Ever had a bad performance? We can joke about the double entendre, the fastest guy out there, the phenomenon.
“It’s happened, but I like to do things well, you can say I’m pretty good.
”Does Valentino Rossi think he’s good looking, a sex symbol or just another normal guy?“A guy”.
Music and sex, how do you put it together?“I like to make love with chill out music playing or something slow by Vasco (Vasco Rossi, Italian rockstar, Valentino’s friend) and then Jovanotti (Lorenzo Cherubini aka Jovanotti, another singer and another of Rossi’s friends) yes, I like to put on “Mi fido di te”It’s such a sweet song.
“Well I have a soft side, even if I ride at 300 km/h”Is Valentino jealous?“No, not particularly.
”By chance has your mother started to asking you when are you going to find some girl that’s right for you? Laughing.
“No, fortunately Stefania has never bothered me this way.
”Have you ever thought of a family?“Like me pushing a baby carriage?”That too.
“It happens, but very rarely.
” And?“And maybe one day it will happen.
But if I have to be truthful and I don’t really see myself in that situation.
Blaming the baby carriage?“No, it’s that I can’t really imagine myself in the position that someone tells me what I can do and can’t do.
I admit that I’m spoiled.
Rossi, how does your social life really work for someone like you?“I can say that there are three Valentino Rossi’s, the first is the one that is really himself and this is with my true friends, family included, a maximum of about 15 people.
”Then?“Then there is the official one.
The one who talks, knows, explains and signs autographs.
The public person.
”And finally?“The rider.
All the rest is nothing, except for the guys that work in the garage.
”And the Valentino number three, how long is he going to last?“I have another year on my contract with Yamaha, but I’d like to renew it, maybe till 2012, we’ll see.
”Listen Rossi, the woman of your dreams?“Megan Fox”.
A young, brunette and beautiful actress.
“No, no, don’t joke.
Google her.
She’s marvelous.
I’d do anything to meet her.
”Anthing? Careful, remember the baby carriage.
What’s that got to do with it? First we get to know each other and then take it from there.

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