Valentino Rossi in Ducati? Silly Season starts at Wrooom

Ducati and their sponsors have never hidden the fact that they would love to have 9 times World Champion Valentino Rossi in their team, but to say it however slyly during the official 2010 MotoGP team presentation lacks a certain amount of tact.
Gabriele De Torchio is the President of Ducati Motor Holding was quoted as saying: “We would like to win the world championship with an Italian rider also because it would enhance our image as a quality Italian brand.

”This year is special because many contracts will expire so there’s an astral conjuction Stoner’s contract is up, same with Rossi, Lorenzo and Pedrosa.
So it’s right think that in 2011 there will be a different scenario, what it will be, we’ll soon see… Valentino is without a doubt a great communicator, a great champion and plus he’s Italian.
” Obviously this is a not a so subtle message to Rossi, but Ducati already has a champion in their fold that goes by the name of Casey Stoner, the only rider in Ducati’s MotoGP story to take the championship, dominate and win repeatedly and on a motorcycle that has destroyed the confidence of a number of riders.

So why is Del Torchio openly courting Rossi instead of writing a king size check with a long line of zeros for Stoner? It’s a simple question of marketing and promoting the brand and that’s what motorcycle manufacturers do for a living, sell motorcycles and racing is a showcase.
Casey Stoner is brilliant on the Ducati, but shys away from doing the normal promo work that goes with being a high profile rider today.
Troy Bayliss avidly promoted Ducati motorcycles before and after his retirement.
Nicky Hayden, who has only one podium to his name in 2009 and finished outside the top ten in the standings has done more in one year in advertising Ducati than Stoner in his three years riding for the Italian company.
We know that Ducati Corse want to keep Stoner at all costs and away from their competitors, but can they convince the reluctant Aussie to do more for the brand than just winning?

Written by Unit

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Stoner on 2008 championship: disappointed but Rossi deserving