Valentino Rossi and Ducati Rumors – A Separate Team for Rossi?

Instead of sending paparazzi to find out how the George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis love story is going or if the Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has more escorts gracing his bed, we’ve got Italian spies hanging out in front of the Ducati gates.
Italian daily Repubblica.
it is reporting that Valentino Rossi is getting closer to Ducati, citing another Italian paper Il Riformista, reporting that the 14th of September at 18:30 an Audi S6 driven by Uccio Saletti (they could at least check the spelling, his name is Saluzzi) Rossi’s childhood friend, with Jeremy Burgess, the legendary crewchief, sitting in the passenger seat were seen entering Via Antonio Cavalieri Ducati at Borgo Panigale, which as everyone knows it the home of Ducati Motor Holding and that Valentino Rossi may have been sitting in the back seat.

The article goes on insisting that there’s a pre-contract with Ducati and that Fiat wants to keep the Italian superstar, who can move more than his worth and Marlboro wants someone who is much more marketable than Casey Stoner in MotoGP and Felipe Massa in F1 and that Rossi has gotten over his “I’ll never sponsor a cigarette company” (what was Camel?) Now it seems that Rossi is getting closer to Ducati, wanting to bring with him Yamaha team manager Davide Brivio, who brought the Italian to Yamaha team back in 2004, along with Jeremy Burgess, who recently announced that he isn’t retiring until Rossi does, and the rest of his team to form a separate satellite team, a sort of Ducati 2, naturally with full factory backing, just like his old Honda Nastro Azzurro Team.

Stay tuned because this story is just begining and if Rossi should lose the title this year to his team mate Jorge Lorenzo, silly season is going to start after the final race at Valencia

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