Valentino Rossi Admits he’s only 65% Fit for Mugello GP

In yesterday’s pre-event press conference at the Mugello, Valentino Rossi revealed what was floating around the web this past week, that his shoulder injury picked up in a motocross accident more than a month ago is more serious than what we were led to believe and even what Rossi and his doctors initially thought and that he may have to undergo surgery to correct his lingering problem.

According to Dr.
Claudio Costa who was interviewed in this week’s Motosprint magazine diagnosed the Italian’s rinjury as an inflammation of the bursas: what is known as periarthritis; and very serious tendinitis at the long head of the bicep; and the cartilage was damaged in the area that completes the skeleton of the shoulder blade, but the extent of the injury was found only after Rossi underwent another MRI after Le Mans, when the Italian complained of pain on corner entry and braking and felt he wasn’t healing fast enough.
Rossi talking about his injury and eventual surgery said: “Not now, but at the end of the season.
It probably would have been better if I stayed in bed that day.

I damaged the cartilage in the crash.
It is a problem that a normal person would recover from in three and a half or four months.
It has been just a month and a half since my fall; if I had to put a number on it, I would say that right now, I’m at 65 percent.

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