Utilising the Surplus from Apple’s Tax Savings

Dear Editor,

It is alarming to note amidst various recommendations on the utilisation of the substantial Apple windfall that there is a conspicuous lack of mention concerning an essential uplift in the support for youth services. During 2023, only a meagre sum of €79 million was allocated towards these services. With an alarming rise in anti-social activities and youth-related crimes, it is not a far stretch to suggest that a noteworthy increase in youth funding could significantly reduce the potential numbers in our prison facilities in the foreseeing future.

I urge our Taoiseach to act responsibly. If he truly wishes for every child to reach their highest potential, it is high time our tax revenue aligns with these promises.

Yours Faithfully,
Michael Flynn,

In the grand scheme of things, a billion amounts to one thousand million. When considering the hefty sum of €13 billion, the possibility of stimulating 13,000 projects with an allocation of €1 million each does present an enticing prospect.

Yours Sincerely,
Jason Power,
Salthill, Galway.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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