“US Striving for Gaza Ceasefire, Envoy Says”

On Monday evening, a demonstration was organised outside the Phoenix Park residence of the US ambassador in Dublin, attended by numerous individuals congregating for the US Independence Day festivities. The protest was orchestrated by the Irish Anti-War Movement in conjunction with various groups, arguing that there was no cause for celebration while the US and other nations were complicit in the ongoing devastation and widespread loss of life in Gaza.

Claire Cronin, the US ambassador to Ireland, held the event on the Deerfield Residence lawns to commemorate the 248th US Independence Day. Among the guests were ex-Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, present and former government ministers, TDs, and senators. Entertainment was supplied by Michael Flatley and his Lord of the Dance troupe, Dropkick Murphys, and Abbaesque.

Addressing the sizable gathering, Ms Cronin recognised the enormous global problems and reminded attendees that as they were celebrating US independence, the people of Ukraine were contending for their own. She emphasised the US’ firm support for Ukraine as it resists Russia’s harsh hostility.

Adding to this, Ms Cronin noted that President Biden consistently emphasises the necessity of establishing a lasting ceasefire in Gaza that will facilitate the release of captives and a surge in humanitarian help. She also stressed the continued efforts to implement this. On the relationship between the US and Ireland, she highlighted that it has significantly intensified and diversified over the past 100 years with tremendous reciprocal economic growth.

Meanwhile, outside the ambassador’s residence, a group of about fifty protestors assembled, demanding that sanctions against Israel be instituted and that the US discontinue the provision of military assistance to the country. Jim Roche, public relations officer for the Irish Anti-War Movement, made clear that US weapons were being utilised in the massacre of thousands of Palestinians. He criticised the US ambassador’s decision to host festivities in a public building and the Irish government’s permission for this.

The group had also requested TDs to boycott the event as a signal to the US ambassador regarding their government’s complicity in the genocide.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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