Urgency Required for FG and EU

Dear Sir, – In her latest submission (“Ireland and EU – no time for complacency”, 24th September), Regina Doherty, an MEP affiliated with Fine Gael, opines: “In terms of significance, Ireland’s portfolio in the European Commission has experienced a substantial reduction.”

Phil Hogan, who previously held the influential position of European commissioner for trade, was compelled to step down following the controversial Golfgate incident that transpired in 2020. This resignation did not come about by choice; in fact, his tenure was severely undermined due to the explicit lack of support from then-tánaiste and leader of Fine Gael Leo Varadkar, resulting in an involuntary departure from his esteemed commissionership.

It may be correct to presume that the writer refers to Mr Hogan’s erstwhile posting as the portfolio labelled ‘influential’? – Sincerely,

In The Outrun, Saiorse Ronan captivates with a powerful portrayal of an individual on a gripping journey of recovery from alcoholism.
Niamh O’Sullivan avows, ‘My infatuation with singing is all-consuming. I cannot envision myself engaged in any other pursuit.’
The memory of my Parkinson’s diagnosis is indelibly etched in my consciousness. The overwhelming sense of despair I felt that day is unforgettable.
Following the closure of Wagamama, Meat Loaf’s percussionist is left searching for a different locale for his midday meal, as his go-to spot in Dublin has permanently shut its doors.
Co Dublin.
