UPDATED – Ducati GP12.1 with Franco Battaini, while Rossi bins the GP12

Valentino Rossi got right to work this morning at the Mugello circuit to test the new GP12.
1 while Ducati’s test team with Franco Battaini spent yesterday giving the updated machine another shakedown (photo above).
it spies are reporting that the chassis is still monocoque, but in aluminium and that Valentino Rossi binned the first version of the GP12 (probably while doing a comparison test between the two solutions) at the Scarperia-Palagio Esses turn, without suffering any physical consequences.

UPDATE:According to ANSA.
it the GP12.
1 or EVO as some are now calling it had some sort of technical issue this afternoon leaving Rossi stranded on the track, his team had to retreive him and the bike.
Unofficial lap times are thought to be around 1′48.
More news when we get it.

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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