Update on Regis Laconi

From DFX Corse Press Release:Regis Laconi’s medical state remains unchanged.
The French rider, currently in the intensive car department of the Sunninghill Hospital in Johannesburg, is still in a drug-induced coma and breathes only with assistance.
In the medical consultation that took place this afternoon doctors decided to try to gradually awaken Regis during the coming night.

This will allow the medical team to access the rider’s reactions to exterior stimuli, and particularly the mobility that he has in his arms and legs.
If the response is positive the surgery to resolve the problem of the fractured vertebrae will be carried out in the next 72 hours.
Regis’ condition remains serious but stable.
The neurosurgeon that is monitoring the situation, having declared the cranial trauma and hematoma to be serious, is cautiously optimistic.
The DFX Corse squad thanks the medical team at Sunninghill Hospital for the assistance and care that they are offering to the rider.
Tomorrow morning a further press release will be issued with an update regarding Laconi’s condition.
Further update:Italian website GPone are now reporting that Laconi has been taken out of his coma and is able to move his arms and legs.

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