“Unions Applaud Covid Payments U-turn”

Representatives from unions for healthcare workers within the HSE have expressed their approval for the three-month prolongation of the payment initiative for staff coping with Long Covid. The Special Leave with Pay Scheme was supporting near 120 individuals at its conclusion last month, as stated by the Health Department, even though unions insist that a greater number is affected by the ailment.

A meeting at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) was due on Wednesday to address the union’s demand for either a longer extension of the plan or the introduction of alternative options that provide more benefits compared to standard sick leave pay available to HSE personnel.

Unions have argued that the department owes a special duty of care to affected staff, given that Covid is occupation-related. However, this perspective hasn’t been accepted by the department. Previous attempts by unions to gain support from the Labour Court have proven unsuccessful.

Notwithstanding past extensions, attempts in the previous month to postpone the termination of the scheme were initially opposed by the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform. Nevertheless, following recent dialogues between the two departments, a three-month extension has been decided upon to permit further examination of the matter. The two parties are scheduled to convene as anticipated at the WRC.

Ashley Connolly, Fórsa’s chief secretary for health and welfare, stated, “Long Covid persistently poses a significant health threat to hundreds of healthcare workers. This unchartered condition challenges both the impacted workforce and the overall health services.” She emphasized the necessity of developing consensus-backed, indefinite solutions for the affected staff. She welcomed the provision of breathing room offered by the temporary extension and the reassurance it gives to the affected employees who have been dealing with instability and apprehension for several months.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has also celebrated the initiative, which they believe will assist mainly female personnel who “continue to endure a myriad of symptoms consequent upon long Covid.” The organisation expressed its optimism that this move signifies the future strategic direction to be pursued by the Department of Health and the HSE at the WRC.

A representative from the HSE reported comprehensive discussions have taken place recently between the interested parties. The issue has been redirected to the Workplace Relations Commission by the employee representative bodies for further involvement, they included.

Today, the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform authorised the temporary return of the Special Scheme as requested by the Department of Health. This provisional revival will allow the necessary time for continued pacification discussions regarding the issue. Health service workers affected by the termination of the Special Scheme will be promptly informed of this development.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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