“Unforeseen Repercussions of the Smoking Age”

Dear Editor,

When contemplating any new law, it’s essential to ponder the unanticipated implications it might have. Let’s take the government’s proposal to raise the legal smoking age to 21, for example. This change would essentially render the act of smoking unlawful for the vast proportion of the university population.

Whilst this may be seen as a commendable health initiative, it fails to acknowledge that many young adults will likely have a curious puff or two during their time at university. This could result in an unforeseen repercussion where the majority of our university-goers graduate as law-breakers.

It is common knowledge, taught by every citizenship educator, that if even the crème de la crème of society choose not to follow legal norms, it can potentially lead to serious societal problems.

Yours sincerely,

