Understanding menopausal weight gain

1. Symptoms
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© me and the sysop (Flickr)

Female menopause typically occurs at an average age of around 52 years in the UK. Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, night sweats and menopause bloating. If you are unsure whether you have begun the menopause, you can have menopause testing done by your GP. This will measure your hormone levels.
2. Anxiety and worry
The effects of menopause vary considerably from woman to woman but menopause anxiety and menopause depression are quite common and are caused by changes in hormone levels. Estrogen and progesterone levels drop and as these are the hormones that help secrete fluids to the vagina, the woman may feel dry and uncomfortable. This can result in less enjoyment of sex and make her feel less feminine.
3. HRT
HRT or hormone replacement therapy replaces the hormones that are made naturally. There are side effects including weight gain and mood swings but HRT can help women through the difficulty and embarrassment of hot flushes and profound sweating. Estrogen also influences the body’s fat distribution and the way in which the body stores fat.


Naturalmenopause.net recommends the natural remedy Black Cohosh to alleviate symptoms.
4. Getting help
See your doctor

Menopause information and menopause treatment is available from your doctor who must be your first port of call if you are experiencing severe discomfort from menopause dryness or extreme hot sweats.

Natural home remedies

There are several herbal remedies that some women swear by, so look online at menopause help forums to discuss problems such as menopause libido and herbal menopause remedies with other women who are going through the same problems.

According to NHS.co.uk, the majority of health experts believe that HRT (used for no longer than five years) will offer greater benefits than risks while alleviating the symptoms of menopause.
5. Life after menopause
Many women actually suffer no ill effects at all as they reach menopause and their periods finally cease. Remember that for women, menopause is a natural part of growing older and can be the start of a new stage of life, unfettered by the hormones that make women the nurturing sex and finally freeing them from worries about contraception.

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