UK government holds back on Green Pass: dissent from several members of parliament decisive

The UK should have introduced the Green Pass at the end of September. It would have been necessary for sporting events, discos or cinemas.

The UK has said no to the Green Pass. This was officially announced by the government itself in its latest statements. The certificate had long been the subject of much debate in recent months.

UK: no to the Green Pass

Britain was supposed to introduce the Green Pass in the last days of September. Citizens would have been required to have the certificate if they wanted to take part in sporting events or go to clubs and cinemas, for example.

The British government also gave a reason for its change of course. The new course of action is said to be based on the opinions of scientists. Scientists believe that vaccines alone are an effective ‘first line of defence’ against Covid.

They would also help to limit a rise in the epidemiological curve during the winter.

UK and Green Pass, the dissent of many MPs

Another particularly important reason for the rejection of the Green Pass is political. It would have been very difficult to get it accepted by Parliament. First of all, many members of the Conservative Party, led by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, have always been against the certificate. According to them, it would be “coercive and discriminatory“.

Keir Starmer, the number one of the Labour Party, also joined the chorus of dissent.

On one occasion, he even called the Green Pass ‘contrary to the British spirit’. The Liberal Democrats also said they were against the measure.

UK and Covid, no Green Pass and no restrictions either

The UK seems to be heading towards the end of anti-Covid restrictions. Johnson is reportedly determined not to use any more restrictions on citizens or businesses. According to his intentions, the ‘free-for-all‘ started on 19 July will therefore be definitive.

In the coming days, moreover, the British Prime Minister will make statements on the matter. In fact, as Corriere della Sera reports, the British leader is expected to decree “the end of emergency legislation“. This would mean that the government would no longer have the authority to place new restrictions on various areas of people’s lives.
