Tuscany, a good place for vegetarians

Who said that vegetarian cooking is not delicious? If someone mistakenly did, then they should try some Italian vegetable dishes which, besides being healthy, are a really tasty treat! An important event devoted to vegeterian food and the joy and harmony it brings along, the Locanda Senio which is not far from Florence offers a week-long stay ( from 1 to 7 October) during which guests will be able to relax and enjoy a healthy and enjoyable variety of the finest food.

Located in the small town of Pazzuolo sul Senio ,which, besides being GM free and having received The CEE Airone Prize (certificate ISO 14001) , has just been nominated the most idyllic village here in Italy.
The inn Senio offers a vegetarian menu throughout the entire year.
But if you are planning to visit the place during the first week of October , you should follow my advice and try such exquisite vegetarian dishes such as emmer and thyme salad, ricotta cheese crescentine, chestnut mousse, risotto with forest floor scents, tortelli stuffed with potatoes, nettles and tomatoes sprinkled, of course, with Parmesan cheese!
