Birthplace of Human Kind

The Birthplace of Human Kind was in Botswana, Scientists Claim

Scientists are sure to have discovered the exact birthplace of human kind, the true “Garden of Eden”. In fact, it is the vast fertile area south of the Zambezi River in Botswana. A new study published in the journal Nature is supporting this fascinating theory. According to researchers, in fact, the first Homo sapiens had appeared 200,000 years ago in a lush, wetland of Africa. This was then the home of humans for the following 70,000 years.


Earthworms Are Among the Most Important Animals on the Planet

The earthworm is certainly not an animal that many people pay attention to. Yet it is one of the most important living things on the planet. Without earthworms, in fact, the soil would not have characteristics suitable for plant growth. As a result, we would find it very difficult to cultivate our food. Moreover, they are a source of food for birds, moles, foxes, badgers and large insects. So they contribute directly to the survival of many other species. However, this species is now endangered due to climate change.


5,000 Camels Have Been Shot Down to Preserve Water in Australia

The fires in Australia are a huge tragedy, with consequences not only for people but also for animals. In fact, Australian snipers had to kill more than 5000 wild camels to save water to put out the fires. The reason behind this brutal measure is that wild herds of non-native animals are also devastating indigenous villages when migrating from one area to another in search of water.