Uk Holidays’: travel to amber list countries updates

The Department of Health is continuously updating holiday regulations creating confusion among Brits.

Once again Britains may find their holidays in a worry. Rules for vacation are always changing with new updates jumping in. Now the most popular destination for Brits, which are Italy, Spain and Greece may be putted on the “amber plus” list. This means that a self-isolation period will be required on their way back to England.

Travel to amber countries updates

Many are confused about their travel to amber countries, that’s why we’re offering an update. First it was required a period of isolation, then not if you’re fully vaccinated but now once again yes if you’re going to the amber plus destinations.

Making the distinction among amber and amber plus countries clearer, these rules apply if you are fully vaccinated. You don’t require a quarantine period when coming back from amber list countries; but you do need to self-isolate if the country belong to the amber plus, despite the vaccine.

That is why, countries in the amber plus are rising cases and it is still unknown which is the variant causing this increase. On the contrary, in France the Beta variant which previously set the alarm and was fearing; now is not worrying any more as cases are decreasing.

In addition, the Uk tried to obtain a travel corridor with US which the White House rejected due to the Delta variant circulation in England. Therefore, seems like Brits won’t be doing any travel oversee this summer.

The Department of Health is constantly checking numbers to assure Brits safe vacations; as obviously there’s a strong desire from people of going on holiday. Currently only 29 countries are on the “green list”, which means visitors can return to England without self-isolation. But nonetheless, some countries put some extra regulations for Uk travelers. So as popular and ‘safe’ holidays options, given the travel to amber countries updates, we have Malta, Croatia and Austria.

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