Traditional Italian festivals: the excitement of the Palio di Siena

Today is the first day of the Palio di Siena but if you miss out, there’s always day two on August 16 to relive what is Italy’s most famous horse race, and probably one of the most well known around the world.
The bare back race around the piazza is the culmination of preceding days of festivity in Siena, where the Palio sees the presentation of the horses in the piazza, trial races, and an elaborate pageant.

Evening dinners of the city wards take place the day before the races, both of which are dedicated to the Virgin Mary (the one on August 16 is the day after the feast of the Assumption).
The Palio di Siena is moment of great intensity for the city, full of tourists and international visitors – we recommend staying outside the city somewhere and then going there for the events.
A trick is to park your car at Santa Caterina which is equipped with an electric ascent called the Fontebranda.
Bear in mind that Siena is on a hill so not having to walk (in this heat) is a small luxury.

Written by Unit

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