Traditional Italian Easter recipes: lamb with vegetables

If you are looking for a recipe for your Easter meal, you have come to the right place.
This Italian lamb-based dish is simply delicious.
Here are the ingredients: 600 g chopped lamb; 3 carrots, 100 g shelled peas; 300 g new potatoes; 100 broad beans; 100 g turnips; ½ cup of white wine; 1 cup of stock; flour; oil; aromatic herbs; salt and pepper.

Preparation: Wash, clean and cut all the vegetables.
Next coat the meat with flour and fry on high heat for 5 minutes.
Pour in the wine and wait until has evaporated, then add all the vegetables except the broad beans and peas and cook for a few secs.
Next pour in the stock and cook for about 1 hour.
At this point add the broad beans and peas and cook for 15 minutes more.
This recipe serves 4.

Written by Unit

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