Touring Rome: the San Lorenzo district

The San Lorenzo district appears to encapsulate both the beauty and the shortcomings of Rome; partly destroyed by aerial attack during World War 2, San Lorenzo has, over the years, developed into a district of beautiful contrasts where old and new abide – more or less harmoniously – together.
Originally built to house workers and their families (when Mussolini marched on Rome, its inhabitants try to stop him) and situated in the shadow of the famous Varano, the monumental cemetery of Rome.

Along the Aurelian walls, the district is teeming with life and colour.
People are to be seen having breakfast – some still in a sleepy mood at such picturesque cafes as bar dei Belli, bar Marani and Buddha bar or eating, later in the day, at kebab shops.
The chief attraction of the district remains its colourful morning market on Volsci street and when strolling among the stalls one can discover a myriad of interesting things, while the church of Santa Maria Immacolata, like a voice from the past, strikes the hour.
After wandering around the market you can enjoy a fine pizza at Manna del Cielo on via Dei Latini street and then spend the rest of the afternoon at the Pifebo; a veritable paradise of a shop which sells vintage clothes, old records, items of bric-a-brac and various pieces of object d’art.

Following that, you can take a gentle stroll, visit the famous Villa Mercedes and then pause awhile at the Rive Gauche pub or the library café Bar a Book for a refreshing drink.
Should you decide to eat out, you can choose from a wide range of superb restaurants such as Arancia blu, Locanda Atlantide and Pulcino Ballerino.
Then finally as your day draws to a close, and provided you have stamina left, why not round off the night at local club? I recommend the Beba do Samba or Dimmi di sì, two night spots where the young high stepping crowd hang out dancing and enjoying the atmosphere, congenial company and of course – the live music.
Tempted? For sure you will not be disappointedHere’s the map:
