Touring Genoa and Portofino: visiting dolphins on a guided tour

For anyone passing through Genoa on the Ligurian coast who has a bit of spare time before rushing off to Portofino or the Cinque Terre, stopping at Genoa’s acquarium is a great option.
A new initiative means you can now say “ciao” to a dolphin or a whale and also go on a cruise around the biggest tanks of the acquarium.

Called “Crocieracquario”, a tour will take around the marine mammal facilities of the area, while also expanding along the Ligurian coast.
A marine biologist from the WWF and the acquarium gives a guided tour to explain all the mysteries of these wonderful animals, while also discussing the aims and results of the “Delfini Metropolitani” project, which from 2001 studies the presence of dolphins along the length of the coast toured.
The excursion departs every Saturday at 1pm from the wharf under the Acquarium.
The cruise and guided tour costs 42 euros for adults and 21 euros for kids (4 to 12 years).
For information and bookings call Incoming Liguria on 010/2345.
666 or go to the website of Genoa’s acquarium at acquariodigenova.
The coastal tour can be booked on its own for 32 euros for adults or 15 euros for kids.
