Torre del Mangia: a postcard from Siena

To be truthful I couldn’t make any sense out of the subject of this picture.
At first I thought it was just one of those jokes one usually come across surfing the net or the plan of some building, then I focussed really hard and realised it was the sky seen from the courtyard of some old palace in Siena.

Motumboe, this the name of the clever photographer , must have taken this picture from a courtyard near Torre del Mangia, maybe the old courtyard of Palazzo Comunale.
Who knows? Anyway I looked it up in Wikipedia and found out that this tower has been named after its first warden Gianni di Baldacci (Duccio for his friends) who was rather famous in Siena for his love of good food.
It seems he spent all his money on it.
So thanks to Motumboe who made me laugh and bump into Mr Giovanni!
