Top motorcycle trips worldwide

Most of us probably have in mind an ideal motorcycle tour we’d like to do: from how adventurous to how luxurious, on which continent, whether desert or mountainous and the myriad other landscapes available.
But given that we’re all spoilt for choice, we thought we’d check out some of the destinations for the best motorcycle itineraries around.

As all the world’s continents offer many touring options, you’re probably better to choose what kind of trip you want, and where you can go to do that.
For desert riding, the Mojave in California, the Outback in Australia and the Gobi desert in Mongolia are recommended, and we’ve also seen the landscape in Tunisia for motorcycle tours as well.
For something out-of-the-ordinary, try motorcycling through Rajasthan India, or if you want somewhere quiet but with stunning scenery, New Zealand has both the scenery and high quality bikes to match.
Northern Vietnam is said to be truly worth the visit, and if you’ve got a Vespa in Vietnam, you’re sure to get someone to repair it for you.

While Nathan Millward won’t have been through the Tierra del Fuego in Argentina and Chile on his way to London from Sydney on a postal, he has been through Nepal and India; and will most likely go through France, which is probably one of the more civilised destinations for a motorycle tour.
We might be partial, but we also recommend a ride through Italy on a motorcycle.
Let us know about your motorcycle adventures, or send us you’re photos, and we’ll publish them with your name.

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