Tips for tourists: seven places to eat in Rome

If you’re planning to visit Rome, you may be interested to know that Frommers has produced a list of seven restaurants ranked to be the best in Rome.
The first on their list is a trattoria called Al Moro in vicolo delle Bollette (phone number 06-6783495); the place looks a bit dowdy but its superb cuisine has, over the years, drawn many celebrities like legendary movie director Federico Fellini.

The menu is absolutely first rate and includes such delicious dishes as lamb stewed with fresh tomatoes.
On a secluded square in the famous Ghetto district you can have lunch or dinner at another famous trattoria or inn called Piperno (established in 1856) and where people can enjoy a deep-fried artichoke that the Romans call Alla Giudecca.

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Julien Dupont Freestyling in Oslo

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