“Time for Biden to Step Down?”

King Lear made the mistake of relinquishing his power prematurely, one that US President Joe Biden seems set to replicate, but by holding on to it for too long. This, ironically, forms the crux of Biden’s predicament.

Unlike Biden’s scenario, Lear had a dutiful lord who wasn’t afraid to call out his errors. The Earl of Kent tried persuading Lear, who had disowned his kind-hearted daughter to divide his kingdom amongst his wicked offspring. Lear’s vision got clouded by sycophancy, leading him to not heed Kent’s advice. Kent, nevertheless, implored Lear to see more clearly.

The US takes a breather on the Fourth of July, where names like Trump or Biden are seldom uttered. However, this reprieve does not negate the reality that power can lead to a form of inner blindness, hindering the ability to see things in an unbiased way. This can lead a leader shouldering such immense power towards disaster.

This is the predicament that Biden finds himself in. His commitment to preventing Donald Trump, a notoriously deceptive trickster whose audacity is exacerbated by radical supreme court decrees and his own age progression, from ruling, is his primary motivation to run, even at the age of 81.

Contrary to Biden’s claim that he and he alone can defeat Trump, there’s the argument that he is succumbing to cognitive decline, which he has conveniently chosen to overlook. This has cost him the moral superiority that he once paraded.

Despite Trump being notorious for his deceit, Biden is closely tailing him in that regard. Biden, his wife, his vice-president, and long-serving aides have all been instrumental in perpetuating an illusion that all’s well within Biden’s regime.

This fantasy, however, was ephemeral and was shattered during the debate.

The question of who’s helming the administration remains unanswered. The only certainty is who is not fit to rule – the incumbent and the ex-president.

Republicans sadly lacked the will to reign in Trump following the events of January 6th. Similarly, most Democrats, in the aftermath of the debate, lacked the courage to confront Biden with the truth.

It has now come to light that Biden’s aide have unabashedly portrayed a rosy picture, completely disregarding the realities perceived by the rest of the world.

There was a surge of acclaim for the president’s consecutive performances at Normandy, the glamorous LA fundraiser and the G7 summit in Italy. The occasional moments where people had to physically guide the president due to bouts of confusion were dismissed as misunderstandings.

However, during that week in Paris where the Normandy anniversary was held, Emmanuel Macron’s advisers as well as European officials expressed concerns over Biden’s hazy state and periods of seeming disorientation. It is increasingly clear that President Biden’s cognitive sharpness is waning.

My grievances lie not only with the president’s shortcomings but also with the heavy burden of his ego. While I appreciate an advocate for women’s rights and bodily autonomy, my concern is whether Biden’s diminishing cognitive abilities will hinder his ability to responsibly hold office until he is 86.

“What I value is action not just words – President Biden (@POTUS) July 5, 2024

Promoting the most proactive climate plan in history and fortifying our resistance against climate change repercussions in America. pic.twitter.com/DVEt46zMso”

Granted, he can navigate a photo shoot with Annie Leibovitz. Yet, he has to delay a live White House press conference by two weeks to assuage public fear ignited by his lapses in focus at the debate. His confession to supporters of feeling sleepy at the podium only fuels the concerns further.

Reports from the New York Times state the president recently disclosed to Democratic governors his need for more rest and less work.

Detailed information continues to leak about his daily routine and other related matters. Alex Thompson of Axios reveals the president’s productivity peaks between 10am to 4pm only.

Yet, the Biden team recently released the president’s ‘intense travel schedule’, in an attempt to prove his competency.

It would seem Biden is in denial and only a few are willing to confront his deteriorating condition. The electorate desires new, vibrant voices and a more diverse selection than Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

This concurs with Senator Mark Warner’s plea for Democratic senators to remind Biden that he pledged to be a unifying force.

We should initiate the political conference and observe the standout figures within the Democratic party. Some argue that indeed Kamala Harris should naturally be the designated nominee. However, political commentator James Carville believes that a little competition would benefit her, providing the opportunity to establish a reputation she’s yet to achieve in her Vice-Presidential role. Even Harris’s supporter, Congressman James Clyburn, expressed views suggesting a preliminary competition before the convention if Biden were to hand over the leadership.

During this political race, there’s a common belief it would be favourable to have a representative who doesn’t symbolise the perceived coastal elite.

Historically, Biden has been an expressive speaker, yet lately he appears quieter. His team have advised him to restrain his verbosity. Subsequently, Biden was only exposed to limited interviews and none that posed challenging questions. His speech often lapses into a quiet murmur during meetings, or he trails off, an indication perhaps that his time steering the political course should pause.

When queried by ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos about his departure from office, Biden stated that only divine intervention would trigger his exit. When questioned about how he would react if his obstinate attitude facilitated Trump’s victory, Biden replied: “Provided that I put in my best efforts and perform the job as effectively as I am able, that’s what matters to me.”

However, when Biden labels Trump a “singular force of criminality” and the “greatest peril to American democracy in history”, it is a clear sign that the President needs to reassess his perspective.

This review was first released in The New York Times.
© 2024 The New York Times Company.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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