The world’s most expensive and sexiest cities: Rome vs Milan

Rome has made it to the world’s sexiest cities list, and the list of the world’s most expensive cities, meaning there’s plenty of romance in Italy to be had in the capital, but at a price.
The first international cities list is from the Sunday Times Travel Magazine, while the second comes from none other than “The Economist“.

Having said that Rome is among the world’s most expensive cities, it’s still not at the top of the rankings.
First place in the world’s expensive cities goes to Paris, followed by Tokyo, Oslo and Frankfurt.
Moscow and London come in next, while Milan is Italy’s most expensive city, at 12th place in the overall international city rating.
Rome makes it higher up the list for urban sensuality, though, according to the Sunday Times Travel Magazine.
We’ve already looked at sexy things to do in Rome, and even romantic things to do in Rome, and there are more suggestions from the Times.
Despite the title of “one of Europe’s raunchiest cities”, the paper focuses on more unique and romantic things to do than anything of any red light nature.

Other sexy cities of the world include Paris, New York, Istanbul, Berlin and St Petersburg.
While Milan beats Rome hands down for expense, the former doesn’t even appear on the sexy list.
Funny that….

Written by Unit

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