The perspective of The Irish Times on the U.S. presidential race: President Biden adopts an aggressive stance

A determined President Joe Biden, at the age of 81, delivered a forceful State of the Union speech to Congress, tacitly criticising the man he merely mentioned – without actually naming him – 13 times as “my predecessor”. This man, according to Biden, posed a risk to freedom over his lack of support for Ukraine, and his intentions to curtail women’s access to abortion and IVF, not forgetting his role in the infamous January 2021 insurrection attempt.

As voters prepare to cast their vote in eight months’ time, Biden’s speech signalled the end of the primary elections and the commencement of the main political combat, mainly against Donald Trump, who is slightly leading in the surveys.

The President’s dynamic 75-minute narrative, filled with spontaneous remarks, might help debunk criticism around his age-related health concerns. In the words of a hopeful New York Democrat, no one would now question his cognitive abilities. With a sprinkle of humour, Biden acknowledged his age, stating: “I might not look it, but I’ve been in the game for some time” and slyly referred to Trump’s own advanced years.

The key challenge for Biden is to sway voters who remain uncertain despite the apparent growth of the US economy. He highlighted the creation of 15 million jobs over three years, a record low unemployment rate, nearly 3% inflation rate reduction, as “the greatest ever comeback story untold”. When doubts persisted, he reinforced his identity as a Democrat by emphasising solidarity with the working class, expressing pride in being the first president to stand with picketers and advocating for the taxation of the ultra-wealthy and reducing medicine costs and Big Pharma profits.

Biden also undertook the task of mending fractures within his party concerning his seemingly unconditional backing of Israel. He issued a stern message to Israel, declaring that humanitarian aid is not to be considered “as an afterthought or negotiation tool”, and his intention of creating a port in Gaza to circumvent Israeli border channel left his critics hopeful.

Biden has attempted to outline the battlefield for the November elections on his own terms. However, he faces a lengthy and challenging campaign.

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