The Nonsense of Governmental Planning Policies

Dear Sir,
Are we being tested to see if we’re still alert with the recently concluded consultation focused on revising the National Planning Framework?

The upgraded framework, launched in July, suggests plans for a 25% population increase in Dublin over the course of 15 years, leading to an expectant 1.5 million people living in Dublin by 2040. It even includes proposals for the extension of our regional cities.

However, the Central Statistics Office released updated population data as recently as April, which indicates that Dublin is presently home to 1.535 million citizens. It begs the question – is the Housing Department unaware of our capital city’s current population count? If not, then why would they be intent on strategizing for a goal that has essentially been attained?

There’s little doubt that once this information reaches the Minister’s desk, the Government’s next move would be to announce an emphasis on the development and expansion of our regional cities, given that Dublin’s 2040 target has been prematurely realised. On the flip side, if their plan doesn’t align with this presumption, it would be beneficial for them to clarify the intended amount of increase in Dublin’s size and provide insight into the origins of the expected influx of people.


Written by Staff

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