The Husqvarna Nuda 900R according to Mauno Hermunen. Video and official picture gallery

Mauno Hermunen not only is a very promising Supermoto rider who has already won several national championships, he is also the only person, excluding official testers, to have been given the opportunity to try out the new Husqvarna Nuda 900R.
So who better than him could describe this bike?In the video we can see him getting busy with the tools of the trade as well as riding this new bicylinder naked bike.

It is clear that one of the maker’s aim is to promote this motorbike within the young and the sporty.
We think that Husky’s goal has been achieved: the Husqvarna Nuda 900R looks appealing, fun, stylish and fresh.
Don’t you?View the full Husqvarna Nuda 900R Official Photo Gallery

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