The Helmet with blue LED lights/ video

Probably the whole idea got prompted by the Tron Legacy movie, the sequel to the 1982 science fiction film Tron, one of the most popular sci-fi movies of the 80s.
Inspired by what he had seen on the big silver screen, one Mr.
Brian Cardellini thought he could use his knowledge in electronics to carry out a project that might sound a little trivial, but that in the end turned out to be quite popular on the internet.

What we are talking about here is a Blue LED Helmet, a standard modular helmet for which Mr.
Cardellini paid just $ 39 before providing it with a very sophisticated and well-maintained set of LED lights electronically controlled by a ECU.
The work began in spring 2012, and a few weeks ago the young American has uploaded a video on his YouTube channel that shows what he has come up with.
Actually, this footage tells you the whole story behind the project, which makes it even more interesting.
Some people might write this helmet off thinking it’s just tasteless, some other are just fascinated by the way its lights can change their pattern by the simple pressing of a button.

We are sure that any rider wearing this helmet at nights would definitely become more ‘visible’ to other road users, though its flashing blue lights might get confused with those of the police.
Not sure that’s the kind of effect its creator was after.

Written by Unit

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