The extensive journey of Bangladesh

Dear Editor,

Bangladesh, a nation with a staggering 170 million citizens and one and a half times the landmass of Ireland, urgently requires level-headed leadership and a distinct plan of action. This is in order to sustain stability and keep fostering growth in one of the globe’s most densely populated countries.

Post surviving a brutal struggle for independence in 1971, Bangladesh has steadily uplifted its citizens from the throes of poverty, accomplishing the status of a lower-middle-income nation according to the World Bank by 2015. The aim now is to further climb the economic ladder and become a middle-income country by 2026.

For a nation riddled with extreme poverty in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, this is an applaudable achievement. It is pivotal to ensure that these meticulously earned developmental strides remain intact.

During my time in Dhaka from 1991 to 1995, I had the opportunity to observe the resilient and hopeful spirit of the Bangladeshi people first-hand.

In the current political scenario, what they require is a pause and an interim governance dedicated to delivering fair and free elections.

Best Regards,
Paul O’Brien,
Plan International Ireland,
Dublin 8.
