The Enchanted Bowl of Mauritius

This meal serves four people and can be used for either lunch or dinner. The preparation and cooking time are both estimated to be 10 minutes each. You will require the following ingredients:

– 250g of rice. Ideally, use Basmati rice although Brown rice can also serve as an alternative.
– Vegetable or Olive oil (2 tablespoons).
– One onion that has been finely chopped.
– A clove of crushed garlic.
– Fresh ginger (a 2cm piece), which needs to be peeled and grated.
– A single carrot – peeled and thinly sliced.
– 125g of sliced mushrooms.
– A diced red pepper.
– A 200g chicken breast cut into bite-sized pieces.
– 200g of Pak Choi or Kale that has been trimmed and shredded.
– Light Soy sauce (2 tablespoons).
– Oyster sauce (1 tablespoon).
– Cornflour (1 tsp) mixed with 150ml of water.
– Four eggs.
– Two slices of finely chopped spring onions.

Start the cooking process by rinsing and cooking the rice as per the instructions given on the packet. Then, place the oil in a wok or broad frying pan and heat it over high heat, adding the onion to fry for a minute before putting in the garlic and ginger. Stir well and after a minute, mix in the chicken, mushrooms, pepper, and carrot. After letting it cook for two extra minutes, add either the Pak Choi or the Kale.

To create a smooth paste, mix the cornflour, oyster sauce, soy sauce and water before adding this to the pan. On heating, this mixture will thicken into a glossy sauce. Turn down the heat to a simmer, cover and let it cook gently until the chicken is completely cooked – around 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the vegetables retain some crunch.

As the main dish is simmering, heat two tablespoons of olive oil in another frying pan over moderately high heat. Fry the eggs in this until their white is set.

On four small bowls (similar to cereal bowls rather than pasta bowls), gently place the fried eggs with the yolk side facing down. Gently lay the rice mixture on top, filling the bowl up to its brim. Invert each bowl onto a plate and then serve the meal by removing the bowl to expose the rice tower and add a sprinkle of sliced spring onions atop each tower.

If you’re worried about placing the egg on the foundation and rupturing the yolk, simply fill up the bowl with the rice mixture and afterwards lay the egg on top.
