The constellations have scripted it

Dear Editor,

I read with interest Ed Power’s critique of Bruce Springsteen’s recent performance at Croke Park (Music, 19th May). I must say, his choice of words rather caught my eye. But really, a four-star rating?

I’m left puzzled as to what the Boss would have to do to secure a full five-star accolade. Perhaps finish his third encore, after performing three hours of iconic rock hits, sagacious insights on love, grief, and the erosion of the American Dream, only to then ascend into the heavens amidst a choir of rock and roll-adoring angels belting out hymns?

Alternatively, maybe the disorderly scenes beyond the perimeter of the venue, which led to quite a few patrons entering late, influenced the reviewer’s rating. And to add insult to injury, these very patrons were met with 330ml lager cans being sold for a rather exorbitant €7.50.

On another note, it’s alarming when one thinks about hostage situations that some people adopt a rather nonchalant approach, thinking ‘it is what it is’. There’s an appalling lack of empathy towards the families whose lives come to a standstill due to these circumstances.

Best regards,
Dublin 6.
