Tempers fly at Interwetten after Marquez overtake

Off track Marc Márquez is a shy and well-mannered unassuming 19 year old, but put him on a racing bike and he becomes one of the most aggressive riders in Moto2.
During yesterday’s race in Qatar, on the penultimate lap Marquez cut across the front of Thomas Luthi who was leading forcing him to run wide and off track, the Interwetten rider was able to rejoin but finished in 5th which didn’t go down at all well with him and on the cool down lap he caught up with the celebrating Marquez and angrily slapped the Spaniard’s arm gesturing that Marquez needs to use his head.

Apparently the question didn’t end there as Luthi’s mechanics decided to head over to the Team CatalunyaCaixa Repsol garage to demonstrate their anger, but Emilio Alzamora managed to calm things down before things got out of hand and had his star rider apologize, who added that he too had been made object of aggressive passes during the race, more or less a tit for a tat.
What do you guys think, was it an overly aggressive pass similar to Johann Zarco’s move on Nico Terol last season at Catalunya or is this just what racing is supposed to be about in the final laps of a very hard fought race? Video of the final laps after the jump.

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