Teen Charged for Stabbing Chaplain Remanded

A 16-year-old boy has been held in detention after being accused of stabbing a military chaplain in Galway. The boy, whose identity remains protected due to his age, virtually attended the Galway District Court on Tuesday morning. He stands accused of physically assaulting Fr Paul F Murphy in Renmore Barracks on the 15th of August.

During the short court proceeding, the only words uttered by the teenager were to verify his identity. There were other topics discussed in court as well, including the stepping down of Doug Beattie as UUP leader and the sinking of a yacht in Sicily which claimed one life and left six missing including a UK technology magnate with Irish heritage.

Judge Gerard Furlong was informed during a special Galway District Court session on Saturday afternoon that the accused could face additional, more serious charges, suspecting him of having extreme Islamist beliefs.

At today’s hearing, Sgt Christy Browne proposed that the teenager remain in detention until his next virtual court appearance scheduled at Galway District Court on September 2nd. Defence lawyer Jack Donohue had no objections and brought to the judge’s attention that the recommended psychological help has not yet been provided to the boy.

Judge Furlong reiterated his demand for the appropriate mental and medical aid be provided to the minor presently held at the Oberstown Children’s Detention Campus in Dublin. He further informed the accused that any plea for bail currently lies under the jurisdiction of the High Court.

The teenager’s parents were present during the swift proceeding at Galway District Court. It was also revealed at Saturday’s special court session that the victim, Fr Murphy, was not acquainted with the accused, suggesting a random choice of victim.

Det Sgt McNulty informed that Fr Murphy experienced an assault as he lowered his vehicle’s window whilst anticipating entry into Renmore Barracks. It was reported that Fr Murphy sustained seven severe slashes and multiple minor ones on both arms due to a sizeable “hunting-style” blade, which was discovered at the incident site. The Sergeant conveyed to Judge Furlong that post-surgery, Fr Murphy is on his path to recovery in the hospital.
