Teen arrested in fatal hit-and-run

An adolescent male has been taken into custody as part of a Garda probe into a fatal hit-and-run incident in north Dublin the previous month, where a man in his fourth decade of life lost his life.

The tragic event unfolded during the early hours of July 17th on the Baldoyle coastal route in Dublin. Michael Farrelly, the victim, was struck by a purloined vehicle, which didn’t stay on scene, according to a Garda statement. Mr Farrelly had been enjoying an evening with family members and was fatally hit whilst returning home alone around 1am.

The Gardaí announced on Monday morning that a late-teen suspect has been apprehended and is presently being held under the powers of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at a Dublin Garda station.

Prior to Mr Farrelly being struck, it has come to light that there had been contact between the Gardaí and the individual or individuals inside the stolen vehicle, but the motorist didn’t comply when directed to halt the vehicle.

Mr Farrelly was the offspring of Philip and the late Sylvia Farrelly of Sutton and sibling to Conor, Lucia, Philip, Noirín and Tom.
