Team Toth Story – Assen Free Practice

Curious about what happened to Team Toth at Assen yesterday?Aprilia returned the bikes to Team Toth to have them undergo the pre-weekend technical checks, minus the electronic units.
Without the units the bikes were useles and Aprilia would return them only on confirmation that Toth had paid up the outstanding debt.

Free practice was about to start and Toth’s bikes were still sitting silently in the garage with Mattia Pasini and the entire team nervously waiting for last minute news with Pasini hanging out a sign for journalists with “No moto, non parti” (no bike, no start) written on it, as the session started without them.
The session was almost half way over, when Aprilia’s Luca Boscoscuro arrived at Toth’s box bringing with him the impounded units, in a flurry the mechanics immediately mounted them on the bikes and Pasini tooke off like an banshee with team mate Imre Toth Jr.
following, both trying to get in some of the remaining practice time.

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